Interferential Current

When you visit City View Chiropractic Sports Injury and Massage Therapy Clinic for muscular pain, we may suggest electrical stimulation treatment. These treatments effectively reduce chronic pain and improve your physical health.
Back in the day, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) method was commonly used for the treatment, but now IFC, or Interferential Current Therapy, has surpassed it in popularity.

What is IFC Therapy?

IFC is an effective treatment method that reduces pain and provides relief to patients. It sends a small amount of current to tissues around the injured part of your body, via the skin. It’s a very safe treatment method that promotes healing.
During the treatment, electrode pads are attached to the injured area. A consistent current supply addresses end plate hyperactivity and controls pain. It speeds up healing and also reduces stress. Furthermore, patients tend to feel more relaxed after the treatment sessions.
Unlike other electrical stimulation techniques, it’s a less painful method. The electrical current reaches the tissues without causing discomfort to patients. However, you may get slight tingling sensations during therapy.
IFC Treatment
IFC helps you overcome severe pain, but keep in mind that your brain can develop tolerance after a few sessions. Once your brain figures out the stimulation pattern, the treatment may not prove as effective. Therefore, we will modify the settings and alter its intensity via an intensity dial.

The Benefits of IFC

Why you should opt for IFC?

Reduces Pain

IFC– Interferential Current Therapy can significantly reduce pain. It’s a less intrusive method of treatment and provides you relief from pain without consuming medicines. It’s a safe treatment method that doesn’t cause negative side-effects.

Prevents Muscle Cramps

If you often experience muscle cramps, you can opt for interferential current therapy to get relief from the painful condition. If you have got one of those nasty cramps, then don’t worry. You are in the right place and we will help you get rid of them.
Muscle Cramps

Decreases Inflammation

After an injury, you may experience swelling and inflammation in the affected body part. IFC effectively controls inflammation and decreases swelling.

Improves Blood Flow

If you get injured in an accident, blood flow around the injured body part may be affected. IFC improves blood flow so as to boost the healing process.
Circulatory System

Has Long-Lasting Effects

IFC Therapy has quick and lasting effects. It targets the damaged tissues around the injured area and therefore gives relief from pain, swelling, and inflammation.
IFC is a common treatment method to manage pain. A research study conducted in 2010 at the University of Alberta highlights that it can manage musculoskeletal pain.
Another research article published by the School of Applied Health Sciences explains that interferential current therapy helps patients experiencing acute or chronic pain. Interferential current therapy is a cost-effective treatment option. It controls pain and reduces inflammation or swelling.